Log In

Go to your Aligned Elements login page (you can get the exact address from your local Aligned Elements Administrator).

Enter your User Name and Password and click Log In to authenticate.

Note! After several failed attempt to log in, your user account will be blocked. Depending on the Aligned Elements server configuration, this can be a soft lock (not possible to retry for 5 minutes) or a hard lock (the user is disabled).

Register as New User

To register as a new Web User you need to have access to at least one Project from the Windows Client already, meaning that a Project User with the same user name as your Web User needs to be listed in that Project. Alternatively, your Administrator has explicitly assigned you to one or more Projects.

To get started, click on the Sign up link and enter a valid user name (which already exists in at least one project) together with an email address and password. The Password needs to have at least 6 characters and include upper- and lower-case letters.

The Web User Password will have to be renewed every 90 days (alternatively as often as defined for the particular Aligned Elements Web Server by its administrator).

If the registration is successful, an email will be sent to you where you can complete the registration by clicking on the confirm link in the email itself.

Forgot your Password?

If you have forgotten your password you have the possibility to set a new password by clicking on the Forgot your Password? link. Enter your email address (this needs to be the address that is connected to your user) and the system will send you an email including a link. Click on the link in the email to set a new password.

Note! This option is only valid for an account where you have already confirmed the email at some point in time.

Last updated