Create a Dashboard

How to create a Dashboard

Click the Edit Dashboard button to access the Action menu at the bottom of the Dashboard. The Dashboard is now in edit mode. Select the Add Dashboard menu item. You are prompted to enter a Dashboard Name. Click OK to confirm. The Dashboard has now been created. Select the Dashboard to edit it. Click End Edit or Refresh after Edit when completed.


A Dashboard consists of a number of Widgets which are placed on a grid. The grid is 12 columns wide and each row is 100 pixels. The columns are automatically stretched as the browser's window is resized.

The Widgets are available in different types (see below) but all Widget types have a set of common attributes:

Widget Title

The title of the Widget which is displayed as a caption in the Widget box.

Back colour

The background colour of the widget as hex web colour (e.g., #FFFFFF for white). The default colour is "transparent" (as in no colour). Colours harmonizing with the Aligned Elements Web client look and feel are:

  • Blue - #0078d4

  • Green - #1EC158

  • Red - #E63329

  • Yellow - #FFC100

  • Light Blue - #1bade8

  • White - #FFFFFF

  • Orange - #ff9100

  • Purple - #8a2be2

  • Pink - #ff1493


Display Order of the Widget, where 1 is the first widget in the upper left corner.


The number of columns across which the Widget stretches. A number between 1-12.


The number of rows across the which the Widget stretches. Any number larger than 0.

How to Add a Widget

Click the Edit Dashboard button to access the Action menu at the bottom of the Dashboard. The Dashboard is now in edit mode. Select the Add Widget menu item. You are prompted to select a Widget Type. Click OK to confirm. The Widget Editing dialogue is now displayed. Enter data and click OK to confirm. Note that the dashboard change has been saved but the displayed Dashboard has not yet been updated. Click Refresh after edit to complete the edit session and refresh the Dashboard.

How to Remove a Widget

Click the Edit Dashboard button to access the Action menu at the bottom of the Dashboard. The Dashboard is now in edit mode. Click the Remove link over the upper left corner of the Widget you want to delete to remove the Widget. Click End Edit to refresh the Dashboard.

How to Edit a Widget

Click the Edit Dashboard button to access the Action menu at the bottom of the Dashboard. The Dashboard is now in edit mode. Click the Edit link over the upper left corner of the Widget you want to edit. This will display the Widget Edit dialogue. Modify the widget data and click OK to confirm. Click End Edit to refresh the Dashboard.

Available Widget Types


Displays an existing Chart. In the Widget Edit dialogue, first select the Document Object Type Name to access the available Charts of that type. Then select a Chart from the Chart dropdown.


Displays the output of an existing Query as a list of Document Objects. In the Widget Edit dialogue, first select the Document Object Type Name to access the available Queries of that type. Then select a Query from the Query dropdown.

Query Aggregate

A Query Aggregate is the result of a Query (the query output) displayed as a single number in an (optionally) coloured tile.

The available parameters for a Query Aggregate are:

Aggregate Type

The two main Aggregate Types are:

  • Count - the total number of Document Objects in the Query Output

  • Percent - the Count divided by the number of Document Objects in the input set, multiplied by 100 (displayed with 2 decimals)

If the Document Object type contains an attribute that is either an integer or a double, the aggregation can be performed no that attribute value.

The following aggregation types are then available:

  • Sum - The Sum of the values of the attribute for all Document Objects in the Query Output

  • Avg - Sum divided by the number of Document Objects in the Query Output

  • Max - The largest attribute value found among the Document Objects in the Query Output

  • Min - The smallest attribute value found among the Document Objects in the Query Output


The name of the attribute on which to perform the aggregate. Not applicable for the Count and Percent aggregate types.

Unit Text

A text displayed below the number.

Colour Ranges

Defines colour range for particular value ranges of the Query Aggregate output value / number to dynamically change the background color of the tile.

The definition is done in two fields: the "less than" field, and the color field.

See example below for:

1) If the Query Aggregate output value is less than 1, change the background color of the tile to red.

2) If the Query Aggregate output value is less than 10, change the background color of the tile to yellow.

Project History

Displays a selected part of the Project History. In the Widget Edit dialog, the Project History filter parameters for selecting an adequate part of the Project History are available.

Project Information

Displays the information in the Project Information item. This Widget has no additional parameters.

Search Filter

Displays a list of items that correspond to a search string. Refine the search using the following options:

  • Type Name - Restrict the search to objects of a particular type. Once selected, you get access to select further refinement on the attributes in the type.

  • Title - search for words in the title of the Document Objects

  • Status - if the Document Object type has a Status attribute, search for attribute values such as Open or Closed. Use the special string openstatus to get any open status without knowing the exact value.

  • User - if the Document Object type has a User Attribute, search for user names as values of the attribute. Use the special string currentuser to denote the currently logged in user.

  • Disabled - restrict the search to disabled Document Objects

  • Free text - search for IDs and any word in the attribute values in the Document Object.

  • Table Attributes - specify the column of the Table Attribute with the construct columnName:value. For empty values, use the special string notassigned. For non-empty values, use the special string assigned.

  • Can Sign - if the search is for Signature items, selecting the Can Sign option will display a Sign button next to the Signature item. Click the Sign button to add your signature.

  • Can Review - if the search is for Review items, selecting the Can Review option will display an Add Feedback button next to the Review item. Click the Add Feedback button to open the Feedback for and start adding your feedback.

Consistency Coverage

Displays the Consistency Coverage for a selected number of Document Objects. Refine the selection of items with the following parameters:

  • Type Name - only Document Objects of a particular type

  • Chapter Name/ID - only Document Objects belonging to a particular Chapter

  • Include Subchapters - applies to the option above

Optionally display the Consistency Coverage of each Document Objects in the set by ticking the Show Grid checkbox.

User Favourites

Displays the Users Favourites as a list of Document Objects. This Widget has no additional parameters.

Test Run

Displays data from a selected Test Run. In the Widget Edit dialog, select the ID number of the Test Run to display. Optionally, select the Show Progress checkbox to display the statistics of Test Results of the selected Test Run. Optionally, select the Show Chart checkbox to display the burndown chart of the Test Run.


Displays the entered HTML. This Widget has no additional parameters.

Risk Summary

Displays the Risk Summary of selected Risk Document Object Type. Optionally, specify whether the Summary shall display the risk state as Before or After mitigations have been applied.

Export and Import a Dashboard

After a dashboard has been defined for one project, it can be exported to an xml-file. This file can be imported from a different project to speed up the dashboard configuration.

To export a Dashboard, click on Edit Dashboard and select Export Dashboard from the Actions dropdown. After you have selected a Dashboard to export, your export file is ready for download. Click on End Edit to finish.

To import a Dashboard, click on Edit Dashboard and select Import Dashboard from the Actions dropdown. Browse to your local Dashboard xml-file and click OK to import. Click on End Edit to finish.