Perform a Preliminary Hazard Analysis

When performing a Risk Analysis (also known as Preliminary Hazard Analysis), five different document object types are involved. The central document object is the Risk Analysis that describes the hazardous situation. It links to Harms and optionally Measures in the system and keeps these links as a Probability Of Harm object. As input to the Risk Analysis, zero or more Causes may be defined.

Measures and Harms can be assigned to the Risk Analysis by clicking on Add Row. To remove an assigned object, please use the applicable Remove Row button. Causes can only be assigned by setting traces outside of the editor. A Cause should trace towards a Risk Analysis object.

To create a Risk Analysis as above, follow these steps:

1) Create a Risk Analysis item

Create the item and fill in the Hazardous Situation text box.

If applicable, fill out the section for Foreseeable Sequence of Events.

2) Assign Harms to the Risk Analysis item

Use the Plus button in the risk grid to add existing Harms or click Create Harm in the selection dialog to create and apply a new Harm. This will create a new row in the risk grid.

3) Evaluate the Risk

Use the dropdowns for risk parameters in the risk grid to assign Probability and Severity values to the Harm in question. The risk will be automatically calculated based on these parameters.

4) Add Measures to the Risk

Assign Measures to the risk using the plus button or Create a new Measure from the selection dialog. The residual risk will be calculated based on measures you add.

After the Risk Analysis object has been saved, you may assign any Cause to the Risk Analysis by selecting Trace From... in the Actions drop-down and select one or more causes.