Generate Design Control Items

The generate function implies that a new Document Object is created and automatically traced from the selected parent object. Attribute Data from the parent objects are also copied to the new object if the attribute type and attribute type name matches.

Note! The generation mechanism attempts to place the generated Document Object in the same chapter path as the source object, provided that such a chapter path exists. If it does not exist, the generated object will be placed under the root of the target; Document Object Type.

Note! Generated Document Objects are automatically added to the active tags if the tags are configured to include new objects.

How to generate a Document Object in the Document Object Form

Open an existing Document Object in read mode.

In the Actions menu, click on Generate... and select the type name of the new object to generate. The new object is displayed in edit mode. You can edit and save or cancel the action.

How to generate a Document Object in the Chapter View

In the Chapter View, click on the Ellipsis button next to a Document Object, then click Generate.... to select the type name of the new object to generate.

The new object is displayed in edit mode. You can edit and save or cancel the action.

How to generate multiple Document Objects in a single action

In Chapter View, click on the Ellipsis button for the root chapter and select Generate Multiple...

In the following dialogue, select the Document Objects to copy and click OK.

The Generate Document Objects Dialog

With the selection completed, the Generate Document Objects dialog is displayed.

Available options are:

Type Name

Select the target type of Document Objects to generate.

Copy chapter structure

If selected, the generate action will in the target book recreate the chapter path in which the source object was located.

Keep the "<source type name>" in the chapter path

If selected, the type name will be placed as an additional chapter between the target book and the recreated chapter structure. If Place in Chapter below is also used, the created type name chapter is placed AFTER the 'Place in chapter'-chapter.

Place in chapter

If defined, an additional chapter with be created (having the defined name) between the target book and the recreated chapter structure.

Add to Tag

If the entered tag name already exists, the created document objects will be added to this existing tag. If the entered tag name does not exist, a new tag will be created containing the created document objects.

Activate 'Add New Objects to Tag'

If selected, the tag option 'Add new objects if active' is activated for the created/selected Tag in 'Add to Tag'.

The generated objects are not displayed in edit mode; they are automatically committed as a part of the Generate operation.