Activate your Aligned Elements Account

Find your Activation Email

User accounts are, in general, added to Aligned Elements by an Aligned Elements web administrator. The administrator will create your user account, which is defined by your:

  • User Name

  • Full Name

  • Email address

An email will be automatically sent to you (i.e. to the registered email address of the created user), once the account has been created.

The email has the subject line "Activate your Aligned Elements account":

Pay attention to the user name in the email! You will need it when setting your password and later on for logging in.

To finalize the registration and activate your account, click the link in the email.

Note that the Activation Email must be used within 48 hours. The activation link in the email will expire after 48 hours.

This will automatically direct you to a screen for setting you password.

No Activation Email was ever received

If you never received am activation email, do as follows:

1. It might take several minutes for the email to arrive to your Inbox

Before taking further actions, wait at least 5 minutes for the email to arrive after it has been sent.

2. Check your inbox for "Activate your Aligned Elements account"

Check your email inbox again and look for the registration email. Search for the subject line "Activate your Aligned Elements account"

3. Check your Junk mail for "Activate your Aligned Elements account"

If you cannot find it, try to find the email in your junk email inbox/folder.

4. Ask local Administrator to Resend the Activation Email

If you cannot find it in any of these email inboxes, contact your local Aligned Elements administrator and him/her to resend the email. Ask the administrator to notify you about your account's email address. Make sure that you are searching in the correct email inbox, matching the email address associated with your account in the Aligned Elements Web client.

5. Can't remember activation has already taken place?

If you are unsure of whether you have already activated your account, ask your local Aligned Elements Web Administrator to check in Manage Users if your user account is marked with Email is Confirmed.

If the Web Administrator tells you that the Email is Confirmed-flag is set for your user account, ask for the User Name associated with your account (Pay attention to the User Name upper and lower casing. Both User Names and passwords are case-sensitive in Aligned Elements!) and proceed to Reset your Password.

If the Web Administrator tells you that the Email is Confirmed-flag is not set for your user account (and instead says Resend), ask for the Email to be resent.

6. Contact Aligned Support

If your local Aligned Elements administrator have resent the registration email and you still cannot find it in the email inbox associated with your Aligned Elements account, contact

If clicking the link in the Activation email leads to an error, your activation email link might have expired.

If so, contact your local Aligned Elements administrator and him/her to resend the email.

Set your Password

Enter the user name as stated in the activation email and enter a personal password.

Confirm the password by entering it a second time and click Reset to save your selected password.

The following screen will be displayed.

You can now click on the link "Click here to Log in" to be directed to the Log In screen.

First Log In to Aligned Elements

Enter your User Name from the registration email and the password you registered in the previous step.

Note that both user name and password are case-sensitive!

Troubles with first Log In to Aligned Elements

If you have trouble at the first log in, getting the message "Invalid login attempt" when logging in after setting your password, do as follows:

1. Use correct URL

Double-check that you using/accessing the correct URL/web address for your Aligned Elements application. If you are unsure contact your local Aligned Elements Web Administrator.

2. Use correct user name

Double-check that you use the user name, exactly as stated in the activation email, in the user name input field. Note that you shall use your user name, not your email, in the user name input field! If you are unsure about what your user name is, ask your local Aligned Elements Web Administrator.

3. Pay attention to upper and lower casing of user name and password

Since both user name and password are case-sensitive, double-check that you are entering both user name and password with the correct casing.