Work with Table Attributes

The Table Attribute consists of a dynamic number of rows and a fix number of columns.

You can add new rows at the end of the Table using the Add button/link at the lower left of the table.

To further manipulate the rows in a table attribute, click on the Edit Table link in the upper right corner to access the table editing tools.

Reorder Tables Rows

Select table rows by ticking the checkboxes in the right most column and then use the arrow buttons to move the table rows up and down.

Removing Table Rows

Select table rows by ticking the checkboxes in the right most column and then click the Remove Rows button (the red cross) to remove the selected table rows.

Insert a Table Row above another Table Row

Select a table row by ticking a checkbox in the right most column and then click the Add Row button (the green plus) to add a new row above the selected row.

Copy and paste Table Rows

Copy table rows by ticking the checkboxes in the right most column and click on the Copy Rows button. This will make the Paste button appear.

To paste the copied rows, tick the checkbox in the right most column of which you want to paste the rows above. The click the Paste Rows button. The copied rows will now be inserted in new rows above the row selected when the paste action was performed.

Note that pasted rows are always inserted above the row selected when performing the paste action. To paste rows at the bottom of the table, add an extra empty step at the bottom and then paste the rows above the empty step. Then remove the empty step.