Log In

Go to your Aligned Elements login page.

Enter your User Name and Password and click Log In to authenticate.

Make sure to:

  • Use the correct User Name, (not email address!) in the user name input field.

  • Pay attention to the User Name upper and lower casing. Both User Names and passwords are case-sensitive in Aligned Elements!

You can get the exact Web address/URL to your Aligned Elements installation from your local Aligned Elements Administrator.

Troubles with Log In

If you get the message "Invalid login attempt" when logging in, check that you:

1. Use correct URL

Double-check that you using/accessing the correct URL/web address for your Aligned Elements application. If you are unsure contact your local Aligned Elements Web Administrator.

2. Use correct user name (not email!)

Double-check that you use the user name, exactly as stated in the activation email, in the user name input field. Note that you shall use your user name, not your email, in the user name input field! If you are unsure about what your user name is, ask your local Aligned Elements Web Administrator.

3. Pay attention to upper and lower casing of user name and password

Since both user name and password are case-sensitive, double-check that you are entering both user name and password with the correct casing.

If the problem persists, try to reset your password.

Locked out after several failed login attempts

After several failed attempt to log in, your user account will be blocked and you will be locked out.

Depending on the Aligned Elements server configuration, this can be a soft lock or a hard lock.

In case of a soft lock, any log in attempt for the next 5 minutes (might vary depending on the configuration). try to log in again after 5 minutes. If that does not work, contact your local Aligned Elements Web Administrator.

In case of a hard lock, your user account has been disabled for security reasons. Contact your local Aligned Elements Web Administrator to enable your account. After your account has been enabled, you can use the same user name and password as before.

Note that there is also a possibility that your local Aligned Elements Web Administrator has explicitly disabled your account for some other reason. In such case, contact your local Aligned Elements Web Administrator for more information.

Forgot your Password? - How to reset your password

If you have forgotten your password, you have the possibility to set a new password by clicking on the Forgot your Password? link in the log in screen.

2. Enter your Email Address

This will take you to the following dialog.

Enter your email address (this has to be the address that is connected to your user) and click Email Link.

Your action will be confirmed by the following dialog.

If no "Forgot your password"- Email was ever received

It might take several minutes for the email to arrive. Wait at least 5 minutes before taking any further actions.

Make sure to check your Junk email folder if you cannot find it in your inbox. The subject line to search for is "Reset Aligned Elements Password"

If no email was received, you might have used the wrong email address. Contact your local Aligned Elements Web Administrator and ask him/her about the exact email address associated with your Aligned Elements account.

Another possibility is that you user account was never activated. Contact your local Aligned Elements Web Administrator and ask him/her if the your account was ever activated.

If the problem persists, contact support@aligned.ch.

The system will send you an email with the subject line "Reset Aligned Elements Password" including a link.

Click on the link in the email to display the Reset Password dialog.

Note that the Reset Password Email must be used within 48 hours. The link in the email will expire after 48 hours.

If clicking the link in the Reset email leads to an error, the email link might have expired.

If so, go back to the Log in-dialog and click the "Forgot your Password?"-link to get a new email.

4. Set a new Password in the Reset Password dialog

Enter your user name (not your email!) in the user name input field using the correct upper and lower casing.

Enter a new password in both password input fields and click Reset to set your new password.

After clicking Reset, you will get a confirmation dialog with a link to the Log In dialog.

Make sure to:

  • Use the correct User Name, (not email address!) in the user name input field.

  • Pay attention to the User Name upper and lower casing. Both User Names and passwords are case-sensitive in Aligned Elements!

Note that a positive confirmation message will be displayed also when the entered user name is incorrect / incorrectly entered / does not exist! (for security reasons)

5. Log in with your new Password

Use your user name and password for the previous step to log in to Aligned Elements.

If you cannot Log in after resetting your password, double-check that:

  • You used the correct user name (and not your email!) in the Reset password dialog.

  • You used the correct upper / lower casing of your user name in the Reset password dialog.

If you are unsure about your user name, contact your local Aligned Elements Web Administrator and ask him/her about the exact spelling of the user name associated with your Aligned Elements account.

When using both Windows and Web Client - Register a New Web User for an Existing Windows User (optional)

To register as a new Web User you need to have access to at least one Project from the Windows Client already, meaning that a (Windows Client) Project User with the same user name as your Web User needs to be listed in that Project. Alternatively, your Administrator has explicitly assigned you to one or more Projects.

To get started, click on the Sign up link at the bottom of the log in screen.

The following dialog is displayed.

Enter your Windows Client User Name (which already exists in at least one project) together with an email address and password. The Password needs to have at least 6 characters and include upper- and lower-case letters.

The Web User Password will have to be periodically (every 90 days per default, but might vary between installations).

If the registration is successful, an email will be sent to you where you can complete the registration by clicking on the confirm link in the email itself.